
Sneak a Peek. The making of...

26 maart 2023

No. 12

Traveling inside...


Like many of us, I too am going through all these inner processes. Unexpectedly coming across old (childhood) pieces that you didn't even know where there, thought you had grown out of, had overcome, transformed or just not realised where still an issue anymore.

For me it was mostly about feeling safe. Safe to show all of me, to be vulnerable. To be weird, to play, to get real, speak my mind, feel anger and other 'bad' emotions and learning that I am safe to express all that.

These too are all pieces of me and not showing them, containing or surpressing them is really denying myself to be whole. Healed.

I have experienced loss and hurt in many and deep layers. But instead of seeking distractions or ways to make me feel better (what I also did from time to time ofcourse, let's be honest!) this time I dove in, looked inside, gained new perspectives and started to find more of me... there is so much more of me!

And the funny thing about loss is that when 'things' go they leave space. An emptyness.
Emptyness that can be filled with more Love and more Creation.

Loss gives us more room to breath.

It makes place for the new. New friendships, deeper connections and other ways or new paths.

To loose someting or someone can rattle us but it can also gift us advancement. The one and the other can exist simultaneously.

Loss, eventually, gave me a feeling of rooting deeper. Connecting more freely, more intence. To others but mostly to and with myself.

It found me joy and gratitude. It gave me my song. I am singing!

This drawing, at least while creating her, is my expression of all that. And the process is so magical!

Most of my drawings carry an underlying message about sisterhood, about finding and connecting with our tribe, clan or pack.

This one contains it all.

She feels warm, loving, motherly, inviting and nurturing. Rooted. Down to Earth. Yet grand, reaching the sky.
Her energy is astonishing. And I have only just started colouring...
I am really looking forward to continue our little journey together.

Thank you universe, spirit, for blessing me with this gift!

With love,


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